Edelleye Digital


our offering

Wystle Gift Boutique came to us with a need for a point of sale and integrated inventory management system. They wanted to sync in-store with on-line.


Program Manager
Full-stack Developer


Web Design
Systems Integration

Development Process

This is an overview of how we approach the development process and how we manage expectations, and iterate upon the business goals of our clients.

Technology and the world of online marketing and social media are not always core to an organizations business.

This is where we come in. We can put you on the map and greatly extend your presence and your reach. This can greatly help to grow your business.

It often starts with putting a few key technologies or services in place, and then working hands-on with your existing team.

Time Management

We can project what it will take to expand or fix your business online. We work with your staff to make this happen.

User Testing

Everything we do is user focused. We design first, we sample, gather feedback, and then we iterate.

Market Research

We learn what is possible. We figure out what your reference competitors are doing. We measure what works and build success.

Team Management

We have access to an extensive talent network and often, we coach up, pull in, and guide members of your own team.

Project Features

Many organizations struggle to fully embrace the online world. Brick and mortar stores in towns across the country are challenged to find the skills, techniques, and resources needed to establish a strong on-line presence for their efforts. On this project, we made it simple by doing a few key things.


Integrated Inventory System

Responsive Design

Full eCommerce Solution

User Experience Research

We are experts in users experience and design. We study your customers, competitors, and your potential. We can help you better reach and simplify your processes and designs. The user experience is key to every product effort.

Brand Redesign

Often, what works for brands for organizations and product lines in the real world, doesn’t work on-line and in social media. We can help with design work, badging, and a new brand-use book as a guide.

Web & App Development

We are cloud systems experts, and can surpass the capabilities of cookie-cutter web site services, and do extensive levels of custom development for web and mobile services. We will help you do something truly elegant and unique.

The team at Wystle needed some help with their POS and inventory systems. We solved that problem for them, and when we noticed they needed help getting on-line, we did a brand refresh and social media campaigns to help them expand their business.

The numbers

Edelleye is a digital design studio, one that understands what it takes to fully embrace technology. We look at an online presence and social media platforms as mediums for communication and exchange. Typically, we look at the business goals of an organization, and are able to help accomplish or surpass those objectives because we have a unique experiences set, and a set of insights into how the underlying technology and the on-line world works.

  • On-line Growth Rate – 90%
  • Return Customers – 77%
  • Social Media Growth – 85%


Satisfied Clients

Ongoing Projects

Cups Of Coffee

Let’s Start Something new
Say Hello!

Have some questions? Thinking about a new project to revitalize your business? Are you looking for key technology talent? Reach out to us. Let us take a look, and we’ll let you know if we think we can help.